Subject: BIRDDATA: Bird Database Author: Gordon J. McKinnon Uploaded By: WaxWing1 Date: 10/17/1995 File: BIRDS.ZIP (33537 bytes) Estimated Download Time (35079 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 705 Needs: An UnZIPing Program Keywords: McKinnon, Bird, Eastern, Golden, North America, Ornathology, Database, Ascii, Text, Txt, Data Type: Shareware Version: 2/24/95 Bird Database is a set of comma delimited text files containing all of the bird listings in the Peterson Field Guide to Eastern Birds and the Golden - Birds of North America field guide. The two bird databases are in quoted, comma separated format. Each record has the following fields: Common name 40 bytes Latin name 40 bytes Order 30 bytes Family 40 bytes Subfamily 40 bytes page number 6 bytes When you set up your database, using your favorite database program (or spreadsheet or word processor with tables feature), use any field names you like but the field lengths should be at least as long as those given so that no data is lost. Set up your database using your favorite database program and then import either the Golden or the Peterson text file into the database. You can then add, change, or delete any fields as you choose. To use, import GOLDEN.TXT or PETERSON.TXT into your favorite database or spreadsheet program. Documentation: BIRDDATA.DOC, README.TXT